Jue Guo

“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard” – J. F. Kennedy


301A Davis Hall

105 White Rd

Buffalo, NY 14260

I’m an Instructor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo, where I’ve led courses in Deep Learning and Pattern Recognition. Before my academic role, I was a Machine Learning Engineer at the National Lab of Zhejiang University, specifically with the Zhejiang Society For Mathematical Medicine, where I developed a bone age detection system for a prominent hospital.

During my internships as a Software Engineer at Nanjing Ohappure Tech Co. Ltd, I undertook projects ranging from water quality database management to enhancing the company’s website, which led to my recognition as the Best Intern in Summer 2017.

Academically, I’m pursuing a PhD in Computer Science at The State University of New York at Buffalo. I also earned my Master’s in Robotics from the same institution and completed my Bachelor’s in Computer Science at Wake Forest University.


Aug 28, 2023 Instructor for CSE 676LEC: Deep Learning
Jun 26, 2023 Instructor for CSE 555LEC: Introduction to Pattern Recognition
Jan 30, 2023 Teaching Assistant for CSE 574LEC: Machine Learning